Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Healthcare Access Program (HAP) assist with?
HAP provides direct financial assistance with co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles required by the patient’s insurer for medications prescribed to treat and manage their disease.
Are your services free?
Yes, our services are completely free.
What does it take to qualify for this program?
Participants qualify for assistance by meeting income guidelines and having three eligible chronic health conditions. Additionally, we use an internal scorecard to fairly and objectively provide support to as many participants as possible.
Can you help me with outstanding medical bills?
Yes, the HAP program offers a 3 month “look back period” that begins on the date you are approved for assistance from the program. Your treating physician, and/or the pharmacy that is dispensing your prescribed medications can submit outstanding bills for outstanding charges related to the pharmaceutical products that have been prescribed to treat and manage your illness.
Who will the HAP program make payments to on my behalf?
HAP has the ability to make payments directly to your treating physician, the pharmacy that is dispensing your prescribed medications and/or your health insurance provider. Payments are not made to participants directly.
I have been approved to receive support from the program and have exhausted my award. Can I apply again for additional assistance?
We provide awards for a period of 6 months. This is a one-time funding opportunity. Participants can qualify for health insurance payment assistance OR prescription payment assistance.
Is there a waiting list to get into your program?
Our program operates on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funding is available.
I do not have health insurance. Do I qualify for assistance through your program?
Yes, our experienced team can also help you apply for health insurance with Medi-Cal, or Covered California.
I have health insurance, but it does not cover my treatment and/or medications. Can HAP help?
Yes, HAP can assist with payments for pharmaceutical treatments and/or prescription medications relative to your diagnosis that are not covered by your health insurance.
Does HAP assist patients through the Medicare Part D coverage gap?
Yes, all payments that are made on your behalf for pharmaceutical products prescribed to treat and manage your disease and are covered by your Medicare Part D plan will be counted towards your true out-of-pocket costs for the calendar year. HAP can make payments while you are in the coverage gap.
I have a Medicaid “Share of Cost” or “Spend Down”. Does the HAP program assist with this?
Yes, HAP can assist with the share of cost or spend down if the cost of your pharmaceutical treatments and/or prescription medications meets or exceeds the share of cost or spend down amount each month.
Do you assist with Dental or Vision Bills?
No, HAP does not provide financial assistance for dental or vision care.
DISCLAIMER: All medical insurance claims are processed on a first-come first-serve basis regardless of the submission method used. HAP is not responsible for maintaining continuation of medical insurance coverage.